Dance Through The Decades

February 12, 2021


Fundraising Events

HAWCS hold fundraising events throughout the year and one of our most popular is the ‘Dance Through the Decades’ event. A decade of music is chosen once a year which forms the theme for our event, DJ’s are chosen along with our resident DJ Glen Foden to play specific tunes from the chosen decade. Dancers are booked or volunteer to perform a dance from that decade which really gets the party started. The events are ticketed and the funds raised go to chosen wildlife project to help with their costs. Here is a selection of our ”Dance Through The Decades” events .

Our 1st Dance Through the Decades event was held at Mish Mash in Chorlton the theme was music from the 1920’s – to 2000, with dancers demonstrating and teaching the Charleston and Jive. Funds raised were sent to project Sumatra to SOCP.




Dance Through The Decades 1990’s



Dance Through the Decades 1970’s


Australia Bushfires Fundraiser at Rain Bar Manchester 6.3.2020