The threat to nature and wildlife is now greater than ever, the worldwide drive for economic growth is having a debilitating and devastating effect on the natural world. Our beautiful planet’s wildlife is disappearing as we stand, particularly if we watch and remain inactive, believing that it is out of our hands or that someone else will look after it , then there will be disastrous consequences ! It is predicted that we will loose many of our larger mammals within the next 50 years if immediate action is not taken. We now know that we are all part of a much bigger picture and the consequences cannot be confined to exotic animals in far-away places, but we must look at all ecosystems worldwide, because if we do not do this the damaging change to the eco-system of many habitats will ultimately have long term detrimental effects on human populations and their well-being also.
One of our key areas of work is to enable environmental education for school children. Our aim is to convey and encourage an empathic understanding of the importance of conservation and how individuals by their choices and purchasing practices can have a direct impact on wildlife and the preservation of their habitats. We aim to raise children’s awareness so that future generations are equipped to preserve and not destroy what is often taken for granted and enable future generations to co-exist in a sustainable manner alongside wildlife that deserve an equal share to this planet.
The Habitat And Wildlife Conservation Society (HAWCS) is currently supporting work directly in the field on the Islands of SUMATRA, Indonesia and our future plans are for the Island of Anglesey, United Kingdom, where we will be working with our partners to provide education, wildlife population surveys and conservation practices. Our future aim is to build our own wildlife education and rescue centre, and work alongside local farmers supporting them with their own conservation efforts and rewilding projects.
Please help us in supporting our worthy cause as we endeavour to raise public awareness, concern and action. We would really appreciate your help in safeguarding wildlife, their habitats and ultimately our Children’s future.