Established in 2009, The Habitat And Wildlife Conservation Society (HAWCS) is a UK Registered Charity, No.1134106, which has been supporting and raising funds and awareness for other non governmental organisations (NGO’s), Charities, and Educational 0rganisations, both in the UK and overseas, to further develop conservation awareness and preservation practices for wildlife and their habitats. With both old and new projects in Sumatra and our own project for an education and wildlife rescue centre in the Wales. See our news, events and projects pages on how you can get involved.
Our vision has been to promote awareness and understanding of the natural world and it’s plight to a growing human population, and what action we can take to safe guard fast diminishing environments and species. HAWCS aim is to promote the intrinsic value of wildlife and their habitats, to highlight the interconnection that exists between eco-systems and the economic and socio/scientific benefits these systems provide. It is our hope and belief that we can help to encourage the rights of indigenous human and animal populations to co-exist as they did in previous generations, and towards a sustainable future.
Indigenous species require stable ecosystems to ensure their survival, and it is the belief of this organisation that humanity has an ethical responsibility to preserve and maintain existing habitats for the future generations of wildlife and human populations.
The immediate focus is on the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia and the Island of Anglesey In Wales. Join with us alongside other organisations, raise awareness and funds to enable organisations working directly in the field to continue their work and achieve new goals. Help us to establish a new wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center in the UK and to work alongside indigenous farmers, landowners and human populations to preserve wildlife habitats.
The Bigger Picture
It is our vision to ensure that the place that our future generations will see some of the worlds most incredible creatures will be in their rightful environment, in the wild! This can only be achieved by working together with governments and other charities and non governmental agencies to ensure that there are ecologically viable and sustainable habitats that allow flora and fauna to thrive uninterrupted by humans.